Juan-David Nasio (born 1942 in Rosario), is an Argentinian psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and writer. He is one of the founders of Séminaires Psychanalytiques de Paris. After qualifying as a doctor from the University of Buenos Aires, Nasio completed his residency as a psychiatrist at the hospital in Lanús. He emigrated to France in 1969, where he attended the classes of Jacques Lacan. In May 1979, he did a course about the theme "subject of the unconscious", in the seminar of Lacan. He was a professor at the University of Paris VII Sorbonne, for 30 years from 1971 and for three years had a seminar in the école Freudienne de Paris (1977-1980). After its dissolution in 1980, he founded the Séminaires Psychanalytiques de Paris (1986). He received the French Legion of Honour. In addition to participating in Lacan's seminars and translating his Écrits into Spanish, he has authored numerous books in French, translated in 13 languages. 1999 : Knight of Legion of Honor. 2001 : Illustrious citizen of the city of Rosario. 2004 : Officer of ordre national du Mérite. 2012 : Doctor honoris causa of the University of Buenos Aires and of the University of Tucuman. 2015 : Doctor honoris causa of the Autonomous University of Mexico State. 2016 : Doctor honoris causa of the University of Rosario and of the University 21 Century of Córdoba. 2017 : Doctor honoris causa of the Southern Connecticut State University. L'Inconscient à venir, Paris, Payot, 1993 (dir.) Aux limites du transfert, Rochevignes, 1985. L’Enfant du miroir, coauteur avec Françoise Dolto, Payot, 2002 (dir.) Le Silence en psychanalyse, Payot, 2001 Enseignement de 7 concepts cruciaux de la psychanalyse, Payot, 2001 L'Hystérie ou l'enfant magnifique de la psychanalyse, Payot, 2001 Cinq Leçons sur la théorie de Jacques Lacan, Payot, 2001 (dir.) Introduction aux œuvres de Freud, Ferenczi, Groddeck, Klein, Winnicott, Dolto et Lacan, Payot, 1994 Le Livre de la douleur et de l'amour, Payot, 2003 Le Plaisir de lire Freud, Payot, 2001 (dir.
Yann Benoit Daniel Secq, Anne Claire Nicole
Bob de Graffenried, Gauthier Paul Daniel Marie Rousseau