In chemical graph theory and in mathematical chemistry, a molecular graph or chemical graph is a representation of the structural formula of a chemical compound in terms of graph theory. A chemical graph is a labeled graph whose vertices correspond to the atoms of the compound and edges correspond to chemical bonds. Its vertices are labeled with the kinds of the corresponding atoms and edges are labeled with the types of bonds. For particular purposes any of the labelings may be ignored.
A hydrogen-depleted molecular graph or hydrogen-suppressed molecular graph is the molecular graph with hydrogen vertices deleted.
In some important cases (topological index calculation etc.) the following classical definition is sufficient: a molecular graph is a connected, undirected graph which admits a one-to-one correspondence with the structural formula of a chemical compound in which the vertices of the graph correspond to atoms of the molecule and edges of the graph correspond to chemical bonds between these atoms. One variant is to represent materials as infinite Euclidean graphs, in particular, crystals as periodic graphs.Sunada T. (2012), Topological Crystallography ---With a View Towards Discrete Geometric Analysis---", Surveys and Tutorials in the Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 6, Springer
Arthur Cayley was probably the first to publish results that consider molecular graphs as early as in 1874, even before the introduction of the term "graph". For the purposes of enumeration of isomers, Cayley considered "diagrams" made of points labelled by atoms and connected by links into an assemblage. He further introduced the terms plerogram and kenogram, which are the molecular graph and the hydrogen-suppressed molecular graph respectively. If one continues to delete atoms connected by a single link further, one arrives at a mere kenogram, possibly empty.
Danail Bonchev in his Chemical Graph Theory'' traces the origins of representation of chemical forces by diagrams which may be called "chemical graphs" to as early as the mid-18th century.
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Chemical graph theory is the topology branch of mathematical chemistry which applies graph theory to mathematical modelling of chemical phenomena. The pioneers of chemical graph theory are Alexandru Balaban, Ante Graovac, Iván Gutman, Haruo Hosoya, Milan Randić and Nenad Trinajstić (also Harry Wiener and others). In 1988, it was reported that several hundred researchers worked in this area, producing about 500 articles annually.
Geometric graph theory in the broader sense is a large and amorphous subfield of graph theory, concerned with graphs defined by geometric means. In a stricter sense, geometric graph theory studies combinatorial and geometric properties of geometric graphs, meaning graphs drawn in the Euclidean plane with possibly intersecting straight-line edges, and topological graphs, where the edges are allowed to be arbitrary continuous curves connecting the vertices; thus, it can be described as "the theory of geometric and topological graphs" (Pach 2013).
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