

Bhishmaka (भीष्मक), also called Hiranyaroman, is the king of Vidarbha In Hinduism. He is the father of the goddess Rukmini, the chief wife of the god Krishna and an incarnation of the goddess Lakshmi. Legend Skanda Purana The Skanda Purana describes Bhishmaka to be a wealthy and powerful monarch. At the time of the birth of Rukmini, the text describes a celestial voice instructing him to marry his daughter to a four-armed one (Caturbhujā) who had been born on earth. After eight years, he betroths his daughter to Shishupala upon the insistence of the latter's father, Damaghosha, who tells him that Caturbhujā was an epithet of his son. Krishna and Balarama are invited to the betrothal ceremony by Bhishmaka, upon which Krishna elopes with his daughter after they fall in love with each other. Harivamsha In the Harivamsha, when the king Bhishmaka's eldest son Rukmi chooses to marry his sister Rukmini off to suitors through a svayamvara ceremony, the king op
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