The SheevaPlug is a "plug computer" designed to allow standard computing features in as small a space as possible. It was a small embedded Linux ARM computer without a display which can be considered an early predecessor to the subsequent Raspberry Pi. As one of the first such computers on the market, the device has a 1.2 GHz Marvell Kirkwood 6281 ARM-compatible CPU, a.k.a. Feroceon. It is sold with Ubuntu Linux version 9.04 pre-installed. A software development kit for the platform is also available. The following commercial products are known to be based on the SheevaPlug platform: BarracudaDrive is a free Cloud Server for the SheevaPlug. CTERA CloudPlug by CTERA Networks, a plug computer providing remote backup service at local disk speeds and overlays a file sharing service. TonidoPlug from CodeLathe, a SheevaPlug-based device that runs Tonido home server and NAS software, and allows users to access, share and sync files and media. Pogoplug by Cloud Engines, a device that lets users access their files at home over the Internet without leaving a PC on. Seagate FreeAgent DockStar and Black Armor 110/220 NAS, both a variant of the Pogoplug. GuruPlug, a SheevaPlug with additional connectivity options. DreamPlug, similar to a GuruPlug+ The PylonPlug by Equelex. A one interface OpenWrt device that when used in conjunction with a VLAN (IEEE 802.1Q) capable network switch, can be used as a Multi-WAN network router. Its operating system is OpenWrt Linux The sipJack from pbxnsip is a Sheeva kit-based plug computer and provides Voice over IP services and PBX features. The WeatherHub2 by Ambient Weather, a server that collects data from a weather station and uploads data to Web pages or other Internet services. The GeNiJack by NETCOR. An endpoint for end-to-end network performance assessment. BACnet Gateway by Kara Systems, a M-Bus, Modbus and OneWire gateway which represents a BACNet Device Pwnie Express is a Computer Security tool. AvaGigE by Avantes, USB to Ethernet converter which supports the connection of Avantes spectrometers to an Ethernet network.