A network analyzer is an instrument that measures the network parameters of electrical networks. Today, network analyzers commonly measure s–parameters because reflection and transmission of electrical networks are easy to measure at high frequencies, but there are other network parameter sets such as y-parameters, z-parameters, and h-parameters. Network analyzers are often used to characterize two-port networks such as amplifiers and filters, but they can be used on networks with an arbitrary number of ports. Network analyzers are used mostly at high frequencies; operating frequencies can range from 1 Hz to 1.5 THz. Special types of network analyzers can also cover lower frequency ranges down to 1 Hz. These network analyzers can be used, for example, for the stability analysis of open loops or for the measurement of audio and ultrasonic components. The two basic types of network analyzers are scalar network analyzer (SNA)—measures amplitude properties only vector network analyzer (VNA)—measures both amplitude and phase properties A VNA is a form of RF network analyzer widely used for RF design applications. A VNA may also be called a gain–phase meter or an automatic network analyzer. An SNA is functionally identical to a spectrum analyzer in combination with a tracking generator. , VNAs are the most common type of network analyzers, and so references to an unqualified "network analyzer" most often mean a VNA. Six prominent VNA manufacturers are Keysight, Anritsu, Advantest, Rohde & Schwarz, Siglent, Copper Mountain Technologies and OMICRON Lab. For some years now, entry-level devices and do-it-yourself projects have also been available, some for less than $100, mainly from the amateur radio sector. Although these have significantly reduced features compared to professional devices and offer only a limited range of functions, they are often sufficient for private users - especially during studies and for hobby applications up to the single-digit GHz range.