
Lost Song (TV series)

Lost Song (stylized as LOST SONG) is a musical fantasy anime television series produced by Liden Films in collaboration with Dwango and Mages. The series follows Rin and Finis, two girls with opposite backgrounds and personalities yet sharing the commonality of performing miraculous songs worthy of healing, wind, water and fire. Rin and Finis each embark on an arduous journey during a time of war in the kingdom, and they must find each other in order to sing a duet that will restore world peace once again. The project stars musician Konomi Suzuki as Rin and voice actress Yukari Tamura as Finis. The series was revealed in an announcement during a birthday concert held by Suzuki in November 2016. The series was first released online in Japan through Netflix on March 31, 2018, followed by a TV airing on Tokyo MX, SUN, TVA, BS Fuji and KBS on April 7, 2018. Netflix began streaming the series globally on September 30, 2018. List of Lost Song episodes Rin is an energetic girl who lives in a grassy frontier village. Finis spends her days in solitude deep within the royal palace in the bustling capital city. While the girls appear to be opposites, they share a special power that no other person has—the power of song, which can heal wounds, create and control the elements water, fire, earth, and air. Guided by destiny, the two young women each face an arduous journey as the shadow of war looms over the kingdom, tainting their miraculous songs with the blood of innocents. Loved ones meet their deaths as silent screams echo through a stone prison, and Rin and Finis hope that their last song will be one of hope. リン Rin is an energetic young brown-haired girl harboring a passion for singing living with her adopted younger brother Al, adopted older sister Mel and grandfather Talgia Hawklay in a reclusive village near a forest. She discovers her ability to sing Spirit Songs, legendary songs that can manipulate the four elements of the world and bring about miracles. Unlike Finis, her songs energize her instead of taking away her lifespan.
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