
H&R Block

H&R Block, Inc., or H&R Block, is an American tax preparation company operating in Canada, the United States, and Australia. The company was founded in 1955 by brothers Henry W. Bloch and Richard Bloch. As of 2018, H&R Block operates approximately 12,000 retail tax offices staffed by tax professionals worldwide. The company offers payroll, and business consulting services, consumer tax software, and online tax preparation/ from their website. H&R Block has engaged in a multi-million dollar lobbying campaign against the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) creating its own online system of tax filing like those that exist in most other wealthy countries. During World War II, Henry W. Bloch was a young Army Air Forces navigator who wanted to start a family business with his brothers in Kansas City. Home from the war in 1946, Henry saw a pamphlet suggesting a bright future for companies serving small businesses, and it sparked his imagination. That year, Henry and his older brother, Leon, borrowed 5,000andopenedasmallbookkeepingbusinessonMainStreetindowntownKansasCity.However,fourmonthslater,theyhadfewclientsandLeondecidedtoseekalawdegree.Henrywantedtokeeptryingwiththefledglingbusinessandplacedanewspaperadvertisementforhelpwanted.HegotanunexpectedresponsefromhismotherwhoproposedthatHenryhirehisyoungerbrother,Richard,forthejob.HenryandRichardBlochjointlyrantheirUnitedBusinessCompany,whichfocusedonaccounting,bookkeepingandpayroll,butalsodidsomeincometaxworkforclients.Thebrotherstookoutanadforits5,000 and opened a small bookkeeping business on Main Street in downtown Kansas City. However, four months later, they had few clients and Leon decided to seek a law degree. Henry wanted to keep trying with the fledgling business and placed a newspaper advertisement for help-wanted. He got an unexpected response—from his mother—who proposed that Henry hire his younger brother, Richard, for the job. Henry and Richard Bloch jointly ran their United Business Company, which focused on accounting, bookkeeping and payroll, but also did some income tax work for clients. The brothers took out an ad for its 5 tax services in The Kansas City Star newspaper in 1955. The ad was a success and H&R Block was born. The Bloch brothers chose to spell the name "Block" with a K to ensure the name is not mispronounced "blotch". In 1956, the Blochs decided to expand and picked New York City. Neither brother wanted to move to New York, so they agreed to sell that regional operation, creating the first H&R Block franchise tax office.
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