Denis Moreau (born 8 April 1967) is a French philosopher. Born in Bordeaux, Moreau is a former student of the École normale supérieure de Paris (L1987) and member of the Institut universitaire de France. He taught at the Paris 12 Val de Marne University, then at the University of Nantes where he is currently professor of history of modern philosophy and philosophy of religion. His work focuses on two main fields: on the one hand, the history of 17th century philosophy, in particular Descartes and cartesianism, and on the other hand, the philosophy of religion, in particular christianity. He intends to follow the tradition of "Christian rationalism", specifying that he considers it necessary to count among the great representatives of this current thinkers such as Augustine of Hippo, Thomas Aquinas, Descartes, Malebranche, Spinoza, and Pope Benedict XVI. In his work on the philosophy of religion, he does not claim to propose a new understanding of Christianity, but tries to re-explain, with tools accessible to contemporary readers, central notions of Christianity that have become difficult to understand. He has devoted books to the theme of salvation (Les Voies du salut, Mort où est ta victoire ?) another one to marriage (Pour la vie ? Court Traité du mariage et des séparations) A Rock'n roll fan, he tried, especially in a novel, Dans l’ombre d’Adam to bring together biblical texts and some currents of the Heavy Metal. He has defended, on several occasions, from his Catholic point of view, the French metal music festival "Hellfest" He contributes to the journal La Vie. He directs the series "textes cartésiens en langue française" at editions Vrin and co-directs the series "Philosophica" at the Presses Universitaires de Rennes. Books Deux cartésiens. La Polémique entre Antoine Arnauld et Nicolas Malebranche, Paris, Vrin, 1999, 354 p. Je pense donc je suis, Nantes, Pleins Feux, series "variations", 2004, 46 p. Malebranche, Paris, Vrin, series "bibliothèque des philosophies", 2004, 220 p. (dir. with P.