ENIAC ('ɛniæk; Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was the first programmable, electronic, general-purpose digital computer, completed in 1945. There were other computers that had combinations of these features, but the ENIAC had all of them in one computer. It was Turing-complete and able to solve "a large class of numerical problems" through reprogramming.
Although ENIAC was designed and primarily used to calculate artillery firing tables for the United States Army's Ballistic Research Laboratory (which later became a part of the Army Research Laboratory), its first program was a study of the feasibility of the thermonuclear weapon.
ENIAC was completed in 1945 and first put to work for practical purposes on December 10, 1945.
ENIAC was formally dedicated at the University of Pennsylvania on February 15, 1946, having cost 487,000(),andcalleda"GiantBrain"bythepress.Ithadaspeedontheorderofonethousandtimesfasterthanthatofelectro−mechanicalmachines;thiscomputationalpower,coupledwithgeneral−purposeprogrammability,excitedscientistsandindustrialistsalike.Thecombinationofspeedandprogrammabilityallowedforthousandsmorecalculationsforproblems.ENIACwasformallyacceptedbytheU.S.ArmyOrdnanceCorpsinJuly1946.ItwastransferredtoAberdeenProvingGroundinAberdeen,Marylandin1947,whereitwasincontinuousoperationuntil1955.ENIAC′sdesignandconstructionwasfinancedbytheUnitedStatesArmy,OrdnanceCorps,ResearchandDevelopmentCommand,ledbyMajorGeneralGladeonM.Barnes.Thetotalcostwasabout487,000, . The construction contract was signed on June 5, 1943; work on the computer began in secret at the University of Pennsylvania's Moore School of Electrical Engineering the following month, under the code name "Project PX", with John Grist Brainerd as principal investigator. Herman H. Goldstine persuaded the Army to fund the project, which put him in charge to oversee it for them.
ENIAC was designed by Ursinus College physics professor John Mauchly and J.