Links to nations or nationalities point to articles with information on that nation's poetry or literature. For example, "United Kingdom" links to English poetry and "India" links to Indian poetry. June 3 – Canadian poet Charles G. D. Roberts is knighted. June 15 Gay English poet W. H. Auden enters a marriage of convenience with Erika Mann. Premiere of T. S. Eliot's verse drama Murder in the Cathedral at Canterbury Cathedral in England. American poet George Oppen joins the Communist Party, where his organizing work will increasingly take precedence over his poetry; he writes no more verse until 1958. Picasso's poetry begins to be written. Tomb of Hafez in Shiraz, Persia, is rebuilt. Arthur Bourinot, Selected Poems (1915–1935). E. J. Pratt, The Titanic, Toronto: Macmillan. Kenneth Leslie, Lowlands Low: Poems. Halifax: McCurdy Wilson MacDonald, The Song Of The Undertow and Other Poems. Toronto, Buffalo: S.J.R. Saunders, Broadway. Wilson MacDonald, Quintrains Of "Callender" and Other Poems. Toronto: S.J.R. Saunders. Tom MacInnes, Rhymes of a Rounder, Canada Duncan Campbell Scott, The Green Cloister, Canada Francis Sherman, The Complete Poems of Francis Sherman. Lorne Pierce ed. Toronto: Ryerson. Sundhindra Dutt, Orchestra ( Poetry in English ), Govind Krishna Chettur, The Shadow of God: A Sonnet Sequence ( Poetry in English ), London: Longmans, published in the United Kingdom Nizamat Jung, Islamic Poems ( Poetry in English ), Hyderabad: Government Central Press George Barker, Poems Samuel Beckett, Echo's Bones and Other Precipitates Norman Cameron, The Winter House Cecil Day-Lewis: Collected Poems 1929–1933 A Time to Dance, and Other Poems Walter de la Mare, Poems 1919 to 1934 T. S. Eliot, Murder in the Cathedral Christopher Hassall, Poems of Two Years Eiluned Lewis, December Apples (Welsh poet published in the United Kingdom) Louis MacNeice, Poems Herbert Read, Poems 1914–34 James Reeves, The Natural Need (with preface, in verse, by Laura Riding) Siegfried Sassoon, Vigils Humbert Wolfe: The Fourth of August, sonnets Stings and Wings X at Oberammergau W.