Nationality words link to articles with information on the nation's poetry or literature (for instance, Irish or France). Samuel Minturn Peck becomes first Poet Laureate of Alabama, a title created for him. Alfred Bailey, Tao: A Ryerson Poetry Chap Book, (Ryerson). Wilson MacDonald, Caw-Caw Ballads Montclair, NJ: Pine Tree Publishing. E. J. Pratt: The Roosevelt and the Antinoe, Toronto: Macmillan. Verses of the Sea, Toronto: Macmillan. intr. by Charles G.D. Roberts. W. W. E. Ross, Laconics. Richard Aldington, editor, Imagist Anthology An Anthology of War Poems, compiled by Frederick Brereton W. H. Auden, Poems, his first published book (accepted by T. S. Eliot on behalf of Faber & Faber, which remains Auden's publisher for the rest of his life) Samuel Beckett, Whoroscope, his first separately published work; Irish poet published in France Julian Bell, Winter Movement Hilaire Belloc, New Canterbury Tales, illustrated by Nicholas Bentley Edmund Blunden, The Poems of Edmund Blunden Basil Bunting, Redimiculum Matellarum, his first book of poems, published in Milan Roy Campbell, South African native published in the United Kingdom: Adamastor Poems Catherine Carswell, The Life of Robert Burns, biography Elizabeth Daryush, Verses T. S. Eliot: Ash Wednesday Marina Translator (and writer of the introduction), Anabasis, translation from the original French of Saint-John Perse's Anabase 1924; London: Faber William Empson, Seven Types of Ambiguity, a book of criticism Stella Gibbons, The Mountain Beast, and Other Poems Gerard Manley Hopkins, Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins, edited by Charles Williams (see also Poems 1918) D. H. Lawrence (both posthumous): Nettles The Triumph of the Machine Hugh MacDiarmid, pen name of Christopher Murray Grieve, To Circumjack Cencrastus; or, The Curly Snake, written and published in English and Scots 'Æ', pen name of George William Russell, Enchantment, and Other Poems Edith Sitwell, Collected Poems Stephen Spender, Twenty Poems Katharine Tynan, Collected Poems Humbert Wolfe, The Uncelestial City D.