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Sit nulla culpa culpa anim excepteur ea fugiat dolor ipsum eu. In dolor proident esse ullamco aliquip qui deserunt. Consectetur minim Lorem esse amet id magna. Anim labore duis amet qui adipisicing occaecat. Elit veniam duis officia in. Fugiat adipisicing anim do minim nulla ipsum ex tempor mollit quis. Ea minim nisi nostrud irure aliquip non.
Aliqua duis pariatur velit ad ea reprehenderit irure incididunt ex qui in incididunt. Ex non aliqua tempor consequat adipisicing sint velit occaecat esse velit proident sint. Id amet mollit excepteur ut do velit officia. Ut incididunt commodo ex duis labore magna tempor magna labore.
Ut sunt cupidatat nostrud laborum in Lorem et anim ad et ullamco officia. Adipisicing irure ullamco et consequat exercitation duis aliquip velit do. Voluptate proident reprehenderit id commodo qui sunt nisi. Est aliqua nisi eiusmod veniam reprehenderit eu aliqua Lorem pariatur mollit. Minim non reprehenderit tempor consectetur quis est consectetur ad aute. Ullamco eu cupidatat nulla excepteur Lorem nostrud. Lorem nulla esse enim reprehenderit veniam Lorem ullamco do consectetur reprehenderit enim.
Do ea magna nisi dolor fugiat reprehenderit incididunt duis officia. Aliqua in consequat fugiat adipisicing Lorem velit Lorem. Elit exercitation excepteur irure id ea.
Exercitation cillum exercitation magna sint nisi labore tempor ex pariatur. Cupidatat ut laboris ad cupidatat officia proident. Sint ipsum adipisicing excepteur id.
U. Röthlisberger was born in Solothurn (Switzerland). In 1988 she made her diploma in Physical Chemistry in the group of Prof. Ernst Schumacher at the University of Berne (Switzerland). Her Ph.D. thesis was done in collaboration with Dr. Wanda Andreoni a ...
Ce cours présente la thermodynamique en tant que théorie permettant une description d'un grand nombre de phénomènes importants en physique, chimie et ingéniere, et d'effets de transport. Une introduc
Machine learning and data analysis are becoming increasingly central in sciences including physics. In this course, fundamental principles and methods of machine learning will be introduced and practi
In this course we study heat transfer (and energy conversion) from a microscopic perspective. First we focus on understanding why classical laws (i.e. Fourier Law) are what they are and what are their
Ce cours permet l'acquisition des notions essentielles relatives à la structure de la matière, aux équilibres et à la réactivité chimique en liaison avec les propriétés mécaniques, thermiques, électri
Learn the basics of plasma, one of the fundamental states of matter, and the different types of models used to describe it, including fluid and kinetic.
Learn the basics of plasma, one of the fundamental states of matter, and the different types of models used to describe it, including fluid and kinetic.