This course is an introduction to the theory of Riemann surfaces. Riemann surfaces naturally appear is mathematics in many different ways: as a result of analytic continuation, as quotients of complex
Algebraic geometry is the common language for many branches of modern research in mathematics. This course gives an introduction to this field by studying algebraic curves and their intersection theor
Ce cours entend exposer les fondements de la géométrie à un triple titre :
1/ de technique mathématique essentielle au processus de conception du projet,
2/ d'objet privilégié des logiciels de concept
This course is an introduction to the theory of algebraic curves and surfaces.
An important aim of the course is to develop geometric intuition while using the language of schemes developed in the ba
Ce cours est une introduction à la géométrie différentielle classique des courbes et des surfaces, principalement dans le
plan et l'espace euclidien.