
Symmetries in Mechanics and Wave Equations

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This lecture covers the symmetries of Newtonian mechanics, including translations, rotations, and Galilean boosts, as well as the symmetries of the wave equation. The instructor discusses the principles of relativity and the historical context of these concepts, emphasizing the importance of symmetries in understanding physical laws.

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Velit commodo consequat ex in ea pariatur aute eu qui adipisicing irure dolore. Labore fugiat duis aute nisi mollit ad aliqua irure reprehenderit culpa. Sunt nisi dolore culpa ullamco voluptate labore occaecat deserunt. Dolor cupidatat dolore ullamco consectetur voluptate ea dolor incididunt proident nulla veniam adipisicing irure. Laborum nisi non veniam ea reprehenderit dolor deserunt tempor veniam fugiat deserunt consectetur ut.
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