
Applied Statics

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DEMO: dolor nulla
Fugiat excepteur ut labore fugiat eu cillum cupidatat consectetur in commodo ipsum. Fugiat consectetur eu Lorem culpa incididunt id aliqua eiusmod irure ea laboris occaecat. Esse non do ea dolore. Est esse ullamco dolor ipsum elit excepteur duis occaecat adipisicing. Est sunt laborum exercitation anim laborum cillum id quis aliquip sunt Lorem aute.
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This lecture covers the principles of applied statics, focusing on the analysis of continuous structures and media. Topics include properties of plane figures, cable structures, wind action, and theoretical understanding. The duration of the exam is 3 hours, and students are allowed a two-page cheat sheet. References to the course material and additional exercises are provided for exam preparation.

Instructors (2)
aliquip proident non est
Ipsum sunt in ullamco incididunt. Fugiat reprehenderit fugiat ea dolore amet excepteur et commodo consequat officia. Ex ullamco excepteur aliqua fugiat quis dolore voluptate et do proident. Amet ad est cupidatat tempor incididunt enim aliqua reprehenderit Lorem qui quis eiusmod culpa Lorem. Incididunt exercitation incididunt nulla non incididunt magna occaecat occaecat dolore in anim nisi et velit. Excepteur magna qui Lorem ipsum ipsum laboris Lorem mollit ipsum laboris. Proident ut commodo ea laboris et.
proident id voluptate consectetur
Nostrud quis irure aliqua ex laborum commodo elit exercitation eiusmod exercitation consectetur eiusmod ipsum. Anim voluptate aliqua eiusmod proident in proident labore fugiat exercitation irure occaecat amet nisi anim. Excepteur et tempor in sint labore nostrud enim.
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