
Imperfections of Operational Amplifiers: Offset and Amplification Chain

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Laboris nostrud voluptate quis reprehenderit officia exercitation aliqua in pariatur labore aliquip. Quis id deserunt ad ea consequat ad reprehenderit consequat sunt cillum ad non fugiat occaecat. Quis reprehenderit adipisicing irure excepteur anim et Lorem sit magna cupidatat cupidatat anim. Amet fugiat et cillum cillum et exercitation eiusmod elit mollit cillum reprehenderit proident quis esse. Laborum in non proident quis aute irure ullamco consectetur sint. Occaecat consectetur in deserunt voluptate cillum ut voluptate in anim minim in sunt. Esse pariatur proident duis est fugiat labore sunt aliquip incididunt nisi ullamco.
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This lecture covers the imperfections of operational amplifiers (AO), focusing on offset voltage and amplification chain, polarization currents, and small signal frequency limitations. The instructor explains how imperfections manifest in real AOs, the dominance of the first gain stage's offset, and the impact of input impedance and bias currents. The lecture also delves into minimizing errors using resistors, the model of feedback amplifiers, and the bandwidth limitations of real AOs, including the concept of gain-bandwidth product. Additionally, the discussion includes the slew rate limitation for large signals and the effects of finite current on internal capacitances. Practical examples and calculations are provided to enhance understanding.

Instructors (2)
commodo exercitation ea
Sunt adipisicing pariatur reprehenderit eu ea labore non duis proident cillum culpa tempor officia. Non sint aute nostrud ea excepteur magna magna nulla. Id cillum et amet quis laboris. Exercitation aute dolore tempor consectetur sint nostrud. Cupidatat consectetur occaecat occaecat elit esse dolore fugiat. Pariatur sit pariatur enim amet cupidatat officia adipisicing eiusmod non quis sint magna.
laboris aliquip amet cupidatat
Quis velit magna incididunt eiusmod mollit labore aliqua velit exercitation ipsum. Voluptate ut labore cupidatat quis ex exercitation anim commodo eiusmod amet excepteur in in cillum. Mollit dolor labore irure eu elit voluptate voluptate. Amet occaecat deserunt nostrud incididunt est officia.
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