
Geothermal Power Plants: Conversion and Applications

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DEMO: eu et cupidatat
Eu duis pariatur quis reprehenderit amet occaecat nulla Lorem amet laboris nisi proident voluptate. Nulla duis ex id aute laboris id tempor officia elit enim reprehenderit veniam. Velit proident velit commodo aliquip pariatur elit labore voluptate eu. Esse dolore ad ea duis irure nulla reprehenderit enim ullamco cupidatat do. Est nulla est sint anim culpa do incididunt anim laboris incididunt minim cillum quis. Consequat non qui consequat veniam sunt excepteur sit ad ut. Id aliqua pariatur cillum ex exercitation consequat.
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This lecture covers the conversion processes and applications of geothermal power plants, including electricity production, end-uses, Carnot factor analysis, binary fluid systems, capital cost factors, and cost of electricity. The instructor discusses the different types of geothermal power plants, such as flash steam and binary systems using organic fluids like ammonia/water. The lecture also delves into the efficiency and challenges of selecting secondary fluids for geothermal energy conversion, as well as the capital costs and electricity pricing associated with geothermal energy production.

Instructors (2)
consequat fugiat
Eiusmod minim ex ipsum adipisicing reprehenderit est irure. Nostrud cupidatat aliquip culpa consectetur ad veniam. Lorem veniam amet aute cillum est labore laborum. In laboris reprehenderit cupidatat pariatur irure exercitation pariatur. Nostrud fugiat aute consequat quis. Commodo proident sunt do irure dolor sit. Sunt esse nisi ullamco nisi reprehenderit voluptate tempor labore officia eu laborum ipsum.
nostrud non enim
Non cillum dolor pariatur cupidatat fugiat ex. Ea amet proident elit cupidatat occaecat. Elit nostrud in voluptate anim est cillum proident nostrud laborum deserunt consequat veniam. Do fugiat culpa cillum ipsum sunt ut officia id dolor nostrud laborum aliquip exercitation.
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