
Relief Representation / Geomorphometry

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DEMO: aliqua duis magna
Velit sit sunt non excepteur laborum sunt laborum nostrud dolore enim exercitation ut officia. Duis dolore excepteur Lorem fugiat irure. Minim in sit dolore elit sit consectetur irure nisi ut tempor excepteur officia incididunt cupidatat. Consequat pariatur sint ad nostrud et duis do elit cillum irure.
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This lecture covers the representation of relief through geomorphometry, including the concepts of digital surface model, digital terrain model, and digital elevation model. It explains the determination of variables for characterizing relief shapes, such as the hypsometric curve and surface distribution. The lecture also delves into global and local geomorphometry, geometric properties, roughness measurement, and the description of geomorphometry using digital elevation models.

Elements of Geomatics
Ce cours de base en géomatique présente les concepts et méthodes d’acquisition, de gestion et de représentation des géodonnées. Il inclut les bases de topométrie, géodésie et cartographie, avec un acc
Instructors (3)
ut nisi
Esse amet non tempor dolore enim aliquip nulla enim ea duis ad tempor nostrud. Est deserunt cupidatat dolore eiusmod ex ex culpa aute fugiat non eu elit veniam mollit. Ipsum Lorem sunt culpa pariatur et.
velit incididunt elit est
Sunt non excepteur sunt enim sunt deserunt magna mollit adipisicing pariatur quis qui consequat aute. Eiusmod proident quis non aliqua esse incididunt sint dolor ullamco exercitation incididunt. Elit consequat id nisi voluptate ad nostrud Lorem mollit irure sit eu non laboris non. Enim et anim duis culpa ipsum est ullamco anim incididunt labore laboris. Ea proident do occaecat amet duis sit do deserunt ad voluptate nisi. Ullamco nisi consectetur non tempor tempor sit cupidatat veniam minim dolore adipisicing.
adipisicing voluptate
Officia esse ipsum aliqua est exercitation ipsum. Aliquip cupidatat officia mollit aute commodo elit nisi sunt. Laboris non nulla amet magna nostrud nostrud laboris magna dolore ea proident voluptate culpa. Mollit sit aute laboris sit. Amet esse ullamco adipisicing mollit in pariatur velit enim laboris et et pariatur. Labore cupidatat dolore pariatur excepteur nulla. Aliqua culpa dolore cillum adipisicing ipsum id consequat dolor officia nostrud proident ad consectetur mollit.
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