
The Strain Tensor: Derivation and Properties

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This lecture covers the derivation of the infinitesimal strain tensor for 2D and 3D cases, explaining the meaning of its elements and discussing its properties. The strain tensor is a local property that can vary significantly within a material, requiring a tensor representation to capture normal and shear strains in multiple directions. By extrapolating from 2D to 3D, the lecture clarifies the complexities of shear strain components and emphasizes the importance of understanding the nomenclature to avoid confusion.

in aute
Deserunt excepteur ullamco ea laborum pariatur enim Lorem dolore ex. In tempor voluptate sint quis consectetur ea velit deserunt exercitation consequat elit incididunt. Irure do adipisicing enim mollit in aute irure id tempor irure mollit mollit sint. Cupidatat voluptate incididunt officia ea sint do. Culpa magna est aliqua incididunt enim fugiat commodo culpa deserunt eiusmod amet.
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