
Jennifer Lynne Wadsworth

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Related publications (3)

Please note that this is not a complete list of this person’s publications. It includes only semantically relevant works. For a full list, please refer to Infoscience.

Modelling across extremal dependence classes

Anthony Christopher Davison, Jonathan A. Tawn, Jennifer Lynne Wadsworth

Different dependence scenarios can arise in multivariate extremes, entailing careful selection of an appropriate class of models. In bivariate extremes, the variables are either asymptotically dependent or are asymptotically independent. Most available sta ...

Efficient inference for spatial extreme value processes associated to log-Gaussian random functions

Jonathan A. Tawn, Jennifer Lynne Wadsworth

Max-stable processes arise as the only possible nontrivial limits for maxima of affinely normalized identically distributed stochastic processes, and thus form an important class of models for the extreme values of spatial processes. Until recently, infere ...
Oxford University Press2014

A new representation for multivariate tail probabilities

Jonathan A. Tawn, Jennifer Lynne Wadsworth

Existing theory for multivariate extreme values focuses upon characterizations of the distributional tails when all components of a random vector, standardized to identical margins, grow at the same rate. In this paper, we consider the effect of allowing t ...
Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability2013