
Jussi Sakari Leinonen

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Related publications (8)

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Stochastic Super-Resolution for Downscaling Time-Evolving Atmospheric Fields With a Generative Adversarial Network

Alexis Berne, Jussi Sakari Leinonen, Daniele Nerini

Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have been recently adopted for super-resolution, an application closely related to what is referred to as "downscaling'' in the atmospheric sciences: improving the spatial resolution of low-resolution images. The abil ...

Unsupervised classification of snowflake images using a generative adversarial network and K-medoids classification

Alexis Berne, Jussi Sakari Leinonen

The increasing availability of sensors imaging cloud and precipitation particles, like the Multi-Angle Snowflake Camera (MASC), has resulted in datasets comprising millions of images of falling snowflakes. Automated classification is required for effective ...

The Microphysics of Stratiform Precipitation During OLYMPEX: Compatibility Between Triple-Frequency Radar and Airborne In Situ Observations

Jussi Sakari Leinonen

The link between stratiform precipitation microphysics and multifrequency radar observables is thoroughly investigated by exploiting simultaneous airborne radar and in situ observations collected from two aircraft during the OLYMPEX/RADEX (Olympic Mountain ...
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