This study presents the results of an experimental study conducted to characterise the hydro-mechanical behaviour of shot-clay MX-80 bentonite. In the shot-clay process, granular bentonite was mixed continuously with water and shot on the walls of a tunnel section at the Grimsel Underground Research Laboratory (URL), in Switzerland. The shot-clay was placed to create a layer of bentonite in direct contact with the host rock to avoid preferential water and/or gas flow along the tunnel wall. Samples for an experimental programme were collected during the shooting. The index properties, microstructural features, swelling potential and water retention properties of the shot-clay were analysed. An experiment was then conducted under controlled total suction to analyse the hydro-mechanical behaviour of the material along a predefined stress path involving suction and confining stress variations. Based on the results of this test, the expected behaviour of the shot-clay bentonite when subjected to the environmental conditions in the repository was determined. The test results were compared with data on the observed behaviour of compacted MX-80 granular bentonite to assess the effects of the shot-clay emplacement technique on the behaviour of shot-clay MX-80 bentonite. The results highlight the role of the emplacement dry density on the behaviour of bentonite.
Tom Ian Battin, Davide Mancini, Marc Aguet, Adrijan Selitaj, Matteo Roncoroni
David Andrew Barry, Paolo Perona, Massimiliano Schwarz