In the framework of the Solar Decathlon 2017 in Denver, Colorado, the Swiss team will propose a community house powered by solar energy and smart grid interaction Thanks to an integrated design with multi-oriented facades, which were boosted by customized opening gates equipped with c-Si PV panels and power optimizers, a net positive energy building has been realized. An energy management system has been implemented to monitor and control the 9.715 kWp PV system and the electrical storage of 10.8 kWh capacity. The realized microgrid has been modelled and simulations have been performed using hourly meteorological data. As first results, measured BIPV production during the building commissioning has been compared with the simulated production at Fribourg. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the CISBAT 2017 International Conference Future Buildings & Districts Energy Efficiency from Nano to Urban Scale
Gloria Serra Coch, Pablo Francisco Martinez Alcaraz
François Maréchal, Cédric Terrier, Luise Middelhauve