The non-isothermal aging behaviour of a newly developed Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy containing 17 wt-% Zn was investigated. Hardness and shear punch tests demonstrated that during nonisothermal aging, the mechanical properties of the alloy first increased and then decreased. The best properties were obtained in a sample which was non-isothermally aged upto 250°C with heating rate of 20°C min−1, due to the presence of η (MgZn2) phases. This was confirmed by differential scanning alorimetery. After homogenisation, residual eutectic phases remained at triple junctions or in a spherical form. During aging, these phases transformed into rodlike S(Al2CuMg)-phase at 400°C, with sizes ranging from 50 to 250 nm. The precipitation sequence in this high-Zn alloy was similar to that for conventional Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloys.
Christian Leinenbach, Xavier Maeder
Roland Logé, Cyril Cayron, Baptiste Thomas Jean Rouxel
William Curtin, Daniel John Gilles Marchand