The present study assessed the suitability of using QuEChERS procedure for the simultaneous deter- mination and quantification of 37 multi-class pesticides in human hair. Matrix co-eluted material had a large influence on instrumental response sensitivity. Purification was needed although dSPE cleanup sorbent selection critically influenced analyte recovery. Optimized protocol using Z-Sepþ sorbent suc- cessfully achieved recovery of 28 pesticides with high sensitivity, precision, and accuracy. Limits of detection ranged from 0.2 to 86.6 pg mg 1 and from 0.5 to 6.3 pg mg 1 for GC and UPLC amenable substances respectively. Pyrethroid pesticides were the most influenced by matrix effects which explained the higher limits of quantification retained for these substances. On the contrary, high sensitivity was achieved for UPLC amenable substances (LOD < 1 pg mg 1 for atrazine, deisopropyla- trazine, desethylatrazine, and imidacloprid). Suitability for monitoring pesticide exposure was assessed by application of the proposed protocol to samples collected on the field. Hairs of the volunteers were found positive to 8 pesticides with every sample containing at least one residue. Among these pesticides, only 3 were reported as used in local vegetable production, which suggested other sources of exposure. The developed method offers a sensitive, robust, and accessible tool for biomonitoring of human exposure.
Athanasios Nenes, Kalliopi Violaki, Christos Panagiotopoulos
Christian Ludwig, Debora Foppiano, Mohamed Tarik