
A time-reversible integrator for the time-dependent Schrödinger equation on an adaptive grid


One of the most accurate methods for solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation uses a combination of the dynamic Fourier method with the split-operator algorithm on a tensor-product grid. To reduce the number of required grid points, we let the grid move together with the wavepacket but find that the naïve algorithm based on an alternate evolution of the wavefunction and grid destroys the time reversibility of the exact evolution. Yet, we show that the time reversibility is recovered if the wavefunction and grid are evolved simultaneously during each kinetic or potential step; this is achieved by using the Ehrenfest theorem together with the splitting method. The proposed algorithm is conditionally stable, symmetric, and time-reversible and conserves the norm of the wavefunction. The preservation of these geometric properties is shown analytically and demonstrated numerically on a three-dimensional harmonic model and collinear model of He–H2 scattering. We also show that the proposed algorithm can be symmetrically composed to obtain time-reversible integrators of an arbitrary even order. We observed 10 000-fold speedup by using the tenth-order instead of the second-order method to obtain a solution with a time discretization error below 10−9. Moreover, using the adaptive grid instead of the fixed grid resulted in a 64-fold reduction in the required number of grid points in the harmonic system and made it possible to simulate the He–H2 scattering for six times longer while maintaining reasonable accuracy. Applicability of the algorithm to high-dimensional quantum dynamics is demonstrated using the strongly anharmonic eight-dimensional Hénon–Heiles model.

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Concepts associés (38)
Réseau électrique intelligent
Un réseau électrique intelligent, ou smart grid en anglais, est un réseau de distribution d'électricité qui favorise la circulation d’information entre les fournisseurs et les consommateurs afin d’ajuster le flux d’électricité en temps réel et d'en permettre une gestion plus efficace. Ce type de réseaux intelligents utilise des techniques informatiques pour optimiser la production, la distribution, la consommation et éventuellement le stockage de l'énergie afin de mieux coordonner l'ensemble des mailles du réseau électrique, du producteur au consommateur final.
Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations
Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations are methods used to find numerical approximations to the solutions of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Their use is also known as "numerical integration", although this term can also refer to the computation of integrals. Many differential equations cannot be solved exactly. For practical purposes, however – such as in engineering – a numeric approximation to the solution is often sufficient. The algorithms studied here can be used to compute such an approximation.
Intégrateur symplectique
Un intégrateur symplectique est une méthode numérique de résolution approchée des équations de la mécanique hamiltonienne, valable pour des faibles variations de temps. Les hypothèses de la mécanique hamiltonienne sont souvent appliquées à la mécanique céleste. Le système à étudier peut s'écrire sous la forme d'une action I et d'un angle φ, de manière que le système différentiel se réduise à : x := (I, φ) et : où l'on a noté : le crochet de Poisson de et . On voudrait connaître la solution formelle au système intégrable .
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