Electroporation is defined as cell membrane permeabilization under the application of electric fields. The mechanism of hydrophilic pore formation is not yet well understood. When cells are exposed to electric fields, electrical stresses act on their surfaces. These electrical stresses play a crucial role in cell membrane structural changes, which lead to cell permeabilization. These electrical stresses depend on the dielectric properties of the cell, buffer solution, and the applied electric field characteristics. ; In the current study, the effect of electric field frequency on the electrical stresses distribution on the cell surface and cell deformation is numerically and experimentally investigated. As previous studies were mostly focused on the effect of electric fields on a group of cells, the present study focused ; on the behavior of a single cell exposed to an electric field. To accomplish this, the effect of cells on electrostatic potential distribution and electric field must be considered. To do this, Fast immersed interface method (IIM) was used to discretize the governing quasi-electrostatic equations. Numerical results confirmed the accuracy of fast IIM in satisfying the internal electrical boundary conditions on the cell surface. Finally, experimental results showed the effect of applied electric field on cell deformation at different frequencies.
Marcos Rubinstein, Mohammad Azadifar, Farhad Rachidi-Haeri, Carlo Alberto Nucci, Qi Li
Ivo Furno, Xin Yang, Lorenzo Ibba