Objectives This study evaluates GRAPPATINI, an accelerated T-2 mapping sequence combining undersampling and model-based reconstruction to facilitate the clinical implementation of T-2 mapping of the lumbar intervertebral disc. Methods Fifty-eight individuals (26 females, 32 males, age 23.3 +/- 8.0 years) were prospectively examined at 3 T. This cohort study consisted of 19 patients, 20 rowers, and 19 volunteers. GRAPPATINI was conducted with the same parameters as a conventional 2D multi-echo spin-echo (MESE) sequence in 02:27 min instead of 13:18 min. Additional T-2 maps were calculated after discarding the first echo (T2-WO1ST) and only using even echoes (T2-EVEN). Segmentation was done on the four most central slices. The resulting T-2 values were compared for all four measurements. Results T2-GRAPPATINI, T2-MESE, T2-EVEN, and T2-WO1ST of the nucleus pulposus of normal discs differed significantly from those of bulging discs or herniated discs (all p < 0.001). For the posterior annular region, only T2-GRAPPATINI showed a significant difference (p = 0.011) between normal and herniated discs. There was a significant difference between T2-GRAPPATINI, T2-MESE, T2-EVEN, and T2-WO1ST of discs with and without an annular tear for the nucleus pulposus (all p < 0.001). The nucleus pulposus' T-2 at different degeneration states showed significant differences between all group comparisons of Pfirrmann grades for T2-GRAPPATINI (p = 0.000-0.018), T2-MESE (p = 0.000-0.015), T2-EVEN (p = 0.000-0.019), and T2-WO1ST (p = 0.000-0.015). Conclusions GRAPPATINI facilitates the use of T-2 values as quantitative imaging biomarkers to detect disc pathologies such as degeneration, lumbar disc herniation, and annular tears while simultaneously shortening the acquisition time from 13:18 to 2:27 min.