This paper tells the story of a decade-long relationship between a teaching team (TT) and an educational developer (EDP). They have been using an experiential learning approach to monitor improvements to teaching Architecture to first year students. We explain how the model ALACT (Korthaghen & Vasalos, 2005) is a scaffold for the construction of a common pedagogical experience. Indeed we will explain how ALACT, as a model in teacher education, can also help teachers and EDP to balance learning-by-doing. This uses a situated approach, capable of moving between ideas of craft, know-how and educational development (ED). As results, the architectural vocabulary became interweaved into ED activities such as teaching workshops, student feedback surveys, student focus group interviews and conversations with faculty and studio directors (SD). We suggest a model for ED that aims going beyond standard quantitative analyses by integrating reflection on experience which brought the EDP and TT together into a common endeavor of mutual care.
Giovanni Pizzi, Sara Bonella, Dou Du
Pierre Dillenbourg, Daniel Carnieto Tozadore, Chenyang Wang, Barbara Bruno