Mo6+ doping increases the photoelectrochemical performance of BiVO4 photoanodes in water oxidation. Herein, the underlying mechanisms is elucidated through a systematic structural, morphological, and photoelectrochemical investigation on photoelectrodes of pure and Mo6+ doped BiVO4 prepared by a novel multistep spin-coating deposition approach, leading to multilayer flat films with high optical transparency. Transient absorption spectroscopy in the nano- to microsecond time scale reveals a longer lifetime of photogenerated holes in the doped films. Besides confirming that Mo6+ ions improve the electron transport in the material bulk, impedance spectroscopy also reveals the crucial role of the dopant on the surface properties of BiVO4 photoanodes. The presence of intra-bandgap states, acting as traps of photogenerated charge carriers in pure BiVO4, is detected through the build-up of the interfacial surface state capacitance. The limited activity of pure BiVO4 in water oxidation is largely improved upon 3 at% Mo6+ incorporation, ensuring a more efficient charge carrier transport with respect to pure BiVO4, together with the beneficial passivation of its trap surface states.
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Sophia Haussener, Yannick Kenneth Gaudy