Microvascular stalling, the process occurring when a capillary temporarily loses perfusion, has gained increasing interest in recent years through its demonstrated presence in various neuropathologies. Studying the impact of such stalls on the surrounding brain tissue is of paramount importance to understand their role in such diseases. Despite efforts trying to study the stalling events, investigations are hampered by their elusiveness and scarcity. In an attempt to alleviate these hurdles, we present here a novel methodology enabling transient occlusions of targeted microvascular segments through multiphoton excitation of Rose Bengal, an established photothrombotic agent. With n = 7 mice C57BL/6 J (5 males and 2 females) and 95 photothrombosis trials, we demonstrate the ability of triggering reversible blockages by illuminating a capillary segment during similar to 300 s at 1000 nm, using a standard Ti:Sapphire femtosecond laser. Furthermore, we performed concurrent Optical Coherence Microscopy (OCM) angiography imaging of the microvascular network to highlight the specificity of the targeted occlusion and its duration. Through comparison with a control group, we conclude that blood flow cessation is indeed created by the photothrombotic agent via multiphoton excitation and is temporary, followed by a flow recovery in less than 24 h. Moreover, Immunohistology points toward a stalling mechanism driven by adherence of the neutrophil in the vascular lumen. This observation seems to be promoted by the inflammation locally created via multiphoton activation of Rose Bengal.