Steel beams with reduced beam section (RBS) are often used as part of prequalified connections in seismic regions. However, RBS connections are not as common in Europe. Reasons relate to easiness in fabrication, which requires on-site welding, and the seismic performance qualification. This paper presents preliminary experimental results from a recent testing program that was conducted at the Structures Laboratory at EPFL on full-scale steel beams with RBS. The steel beam featured a European IPE profile. The test specimen discussed herein was subjected to symmetric cyclic lateral loading up to 4 % rad followed by asymmetric lateral loading, which is characteristic of dynamic response prior to structural collapse. The experimental results suggest that inelastic deformations concentrated within the RBS region, as expected. The beam flangeto- steel plate complete joint penetration welds behaved satisfactory throughout the imposed lateral loading history. The test specimen did not experience flexural strength deterioration prior to 4 % rad. Comparisons of the cyclic response of the test specimen with available test data from prior testing programs are also discussed.
Dimitrios Lignos, Hammad El Jisr
Dimitrios Lignos, Andronikos Skiadopoulos, Ce Wen