Freshwater algae exhibit complex dynamics, particularly in meso-oligotrophic lakes with sudden and dramatic increases in algal biomass following long periods of low background concentration. While the fundamental prerequisites for algal blooms, namely light and nutrient availability, are well-known, their specific causation involves an intricate chain of conditions. Here we examine a recent massive Uroglena bloom in Lake Geneva (Switzerland/France). We show that a certain sequence of meteorological conditions triggered this specific algal bloom event: heavy rainfall promoting excessive organic matter and nutrients loading, followed by wind-induced coastal upwelling, and a prolonged period of warm, calm weather. The combination of satellite remote sensing, in-situ measurements, ad-hoc biogeochemical analyses, and three-dimensional modeling proved invaluable in unraveling the complex dynamics of algal blooms highlighting the substantial role of littoral-pelagic connectivities in large low-nutrient lakes. These findings underscore the advantages of state-of-the-art multidisciplinary approaches for an improved understanding of dynamic systems as a whole.|A large algal bloom in Lake Geneva in 2021 was triggered by a sequence of heavy rainfall followed by wind-induced coastal upwelling, and a prolonged period of warm, calm weather, according to a combination of satellite remote sensing, in-situ measurements and three-dimensional numerical modeling.
Alfred Johny Wüest, Hugo Nicolás Ulloa Sánchez, Shubham Krishna, Emile Barbe
Tamar Kohn, Stéphane Joost, Anna Carratala Ripolles, Oliver Michele Selmoni, Charlotte Gisèle Weil, Hannah Elisa Chmiel, Annie Sandrine Guillaume, Coralie Chappelier