Integrated solar combined cycle systems (ISCCS) represent, both economically and energetically, a promising alternative for the conversion of solar energy while offering a guarantee of a minimum power supply independant of the level of solar radiation. Their performances are however strongly dependant on the intensity of the solar input. The approach proposed in this paper allows, from the characteristics of the turbines (gas turbines and steam turbines) and of the solar field, to rationalize the choice of the pressure levels and of the massflows of a steam cycle with multiple pressure levels. It is based on the coupling of a pinch technology approach with a thermodynamic modeling allowing an optimisation with deterministic algorithms. Results are applied to a dual pressure steam cycle and accounts for the respect of the "cone law" for the steam turbines. It is shown that an increase of the exergetic losses linked to heat transfer in the steam generators is inevitable at certain operational regimes and depends directly on the level of solar supply. The variations of the main steam cycle parameters as a function of the thermal supply (combustion gases + solar thermal oil) are shown for an 80 to 120 MWel power plant equipped with two gas turbine and one steam turbine train.
Daniel Alexander Florez Orrego