This paper presents a three-dimensional, MODFLOW/MT3DMS- based reactive multicomponent transport model for saturated porous media. Based on a split-operator technique, the model, referred to as PHT3D, couples the transport simulator MT3DMS and the geochemical modeling code PHREEQC-2. Through the flexible, generic nature of PHREEQC-2, PHT3D can handle a broad range of equilibrium and kinetically controlled reactive processes, including aqueous complexation, mineral precipitation/dissolution, and ion exchange. The diversity of potential applications is demonstrated through simulation of five existing literature benchmarks and a new three-dimensional sample problem. The model might be applied to simulate the geochemical evolution of pristine and contaminated aquifers as well as their cleanup. The latter problem class includes the natural and enhanced attenuation/remediation schemes of a wide range of organic and inorganic contaminants. Processes/reactions not included in the standard PHREEQC-2 database but typical for this type of application (e.g., NAPL dissolution, microbial growth/decay) can be defined and included via the extensible PHREEQC-2 database file.
Marcos Rubinstein, Hamidreza Karami
Tobias Kippenberg, Aleksandr Tusnin, Kenichi Komagata, Alexey Tikan
Fabrizio Carbone, Giovanni Maria Vanacore, Ivan Madan, Ido Kaminer, Simone Gargiulo, Ebrahim Karimi