In physics a conserved current is a current, , that satisfies the continuity equation . The continuity equation represents a conservation law, hence the name.
Indeed, integrating the continuity equation over a volume , large enough to have no net currents through its surface, leads to the conservation law
where is the conserved quantity.
In gauge theories the gauge fields couple to conserved currents. For example, the electromagnetic field couples to the conserved electric current.
Conserved current is the flow of the canonical conjugate of a quantity possessing a continuous translational symmetry. The continuity equation for the conserved current is a statement of a conservation law.
Examples of canonical conjugate quantities are:
Time and energy - the continuous translational symmetry of time implies the conservation of energy
Space and momentum - the continuous translational symmetry of space implies the conservation of momentum
Space and angular momentum - the continuous rotational symmetry of space implies the conservation of angular momentum
Wave function phase and electric charge - the continuous phase angle symmetry of the wave function implies the conservation of electric charge
Conserved currents play an extremely important role in theoretical physics, because Noether's theorem connects the existence of a conserved current to the existence of a symmetry of some quantity in the system under study. In practical terms, all conserved currents are the Noether currents, as the existence of a conserved current implies the existence of a symmetry. Conserved currents play an important role in the theory of partial differential equations, as the existence of a conserved current points to the existence of constants of motion, which are required to define a foliation and thus an integrable system. The conservation law is expressed as the vanishing of a 4-divergence, where the Noether charge forms the zeroth component of the 4-current.
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The goal of the course is to introduce relativistic quantum field theory as the conceptual and mathematical framework describing fundamental interactions.
Students will learn the principles of mechanics to enable a better understanding of physical phenomena, such as the kinematics and dyamics of point masses and solid bodies. Students will acquire the c
This course is an introduction to the non-perturbative bootstrap approach to Conformal Field Theory and to the Gauge/Gravity duality, emphasizing the fruitful interplay between these two ideas.
In physics, a gauge theory is a field theory in which the Lagrangian is invariant under local transformations according to certain smooth families of operations (Lie groups). The term gauge refers to any specific mathematical formalism to regulate redundant degrees of freedom in the Lagrangian of a physical system. The transformations between possible gauges, called gauge transformations, form a Lie group—referred to as the symmetry group or the gauge group of the theory. Associated with any Lie group is the Lie algebra of group generators.
In physics, a symmetry of a physical system is a physical or mathematical feature of the system (observed or intrinsic) that is preserved or remains unchanged under some transformation. A family of particular transformations may be continuous (such as rotation of a circle) or discrete (e.g., reflection of a bilaterally symmetric figure, or rotation of a regular polygon). Continuous and discrete transformations give rise to corresponding types of symmetries.
Noether's theorem or Noether's first theorem states that every differentiable symmetry of the action of a physical system with conservative forces has a corresponding conservation law. The theorem was proven by mathematician Emmy Noether in 1915 and published in 1918. The action of a physical system is the integral over time of a Lagrangian function, from which the system's behavior can be determined by the principle of least action. This theorem only applies to continuous and smooth symmetries over physical space.
It is well known that helical magnetic fields undergo a so-called inverse cascade by which their correlation length grows due to the conservation of magnetic helicity in classical ideal magnetohydro-dynamics (MHD). At high energies above approximately 10 M ...
In this work, we elaborate on two recently discovered invariance principles, according to which transport coefficients are, to a large extent, independent of the microscopic definition of the densities and currents of the conserved quantities being transpo ...
We study two-point functions of local operators and their spectral representation in UV complete quantum field theories in generic dimensions focusing on conserved currents and the stress-tensor. We establish the connection with the central charges of the ...