Siegbert Hummel (18 July 1908 – 28 March 2001) was a German Tibetologist and cultural historian. His work focused on the Eurasian context of Tibetan culture, the Bön religion, the Zhangzhung language, and the Gesar epic. Born in Rodewisch, Hummel obtained his Abitur from König-Albert-Gymnasium in Leipzig in 1932. He studied theology, philosophy, psychology and history of art at the universities of Tübingen, Rostock, Leipzig and Munich between 1932 and 1938. From 1938 to 1947, Hummel worked in Leipzig and Dresden as a minister in the Lutheran church. During this time, he also studied Chinese, Japanese, Tibetan and Mongolian languages as well as ethnology and Egyptology. He became curator of the Asian department at the Ethnographic Museum of Leipzig in 1947, a job he held until 1955. In 1948, Hummel obtained his doctorate in Sinology from at the University of Leipzig. After leaving the museum in 1955, Hummel worked as a pastor in the country parish of Plohn in Vogtland until his retirement. He died in Röthenbach (Rodewisch) near Rodewisch. 1948 Weltbild des Buddhismus (eine Ausstellung), Leipzig, 1948, pp. 23–24. "Der Lotusstabträger," Archiv für Ostasien 1.1: 11-13. 1949 Ostasiatische Keramik (Ausstellung 14/4-31/5 1949, Museum für Völkerkunde), Leipzig 1949, pp. 4. 1950 "Guan-yin in der Unterwelt," Sinologica 2, 4: 291-293. "Die Bedeutung der ostasiatischen Keramik fur unsere Gegenwart," Forschungen und Fortschritte 26, 9-10: 115-117. "Die Gloriolen in der lamaistischen Malerei," Asiatische Studien 4: 90-107. "Der Medizinbuddha und seine Begleiter" Sinol 2, 2: 81-104. "Der Pfauenbuddha," Sinol 2, 2: 234-241. 1951 "Erlauterungen zum KundalinI-Yoga," Psyche 1951, 3: 210-218. "Das Paradoxe in der Theorie des KundalinI-Yoga," Psyche 1951, 6: 399-400. "Zur Frage der Aufstellung buddhistischer Bildwerke Zentral- und Ostasiens," JMVL 10: 50-58. "Die Lamapagode als psychologisches Diagramm," Psyche 1951, 10: 628-631. 1952 "VOID Wesen der chinesischen Tuschmalerei aus der Sung-Zeit," JMLV 11: 12-22.
Alfred Johny Wüest, Martin Schmid
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