
Confederation Bridge

The Confederation Bridge (Pont de la Confédération) is a box girder bridge carrying the Trans-Canada Highway across the Abegweit Passage of the Northumberland Strait, linking the province of Prince Edward Island with the mainland province of New Brunswick. Opened May 31, 1997, the bridge is Canada's longest bridge and the world's longest bridge over ice-covered water. Construction took place from October 1993 to May 1997 and cost C1.3billion.Beforeitsofficialnaming,PrinceEdwardIslandersoftenreferredtothebridgeasthe"FixedLink".ItofficiallyopenedtotrafficonMay31,1997.ThebridgeisatwolanetollbridgethatcarriestheTransCanadaHighwaybetweenBordenCarleton,PrinceEdwardIsland(atRoute1)andCapeJourimain,NewBrunswick(atRoute16).Itisamultispanbalancedcantileverbridgewithaposttensionedconcreteboxgirderstructure.Mostofthecurvedbridgeisabovewaterwithanavigationspanforshiptraffic.Thebridgerestson62piers,ofwhichthe44mainpiersareapart.Thebridgeiswide.Thespeedlimitonthebridgeisbutcanvarywithwindandweatherconditions.Whentravellingatthespeedlimit,ittakesabout12minutestocrossthebridge.TollsapplyonlywhenleavingPrinceEdwardIsland(whentravellingwestbound).Thetollratesare1.3 billion. Before its official naming, Prince Edward Islanders often referred to the bridge as the "Fixed Link". It officially opened to traffic on May 31, 1997. The bridge is a two-lane toll bridge that carries the Trans-Canada Highway between Borden-Carleton, Prince Edward Island (at Route 1) and Cape Jourimain, New Brunswick (at Route 16). It is a multi-span balanced cantilever bridge with a post-tensioned concrete box girder structure. Most of the curved bridge is above water with a navigation span for ship traffic. The bridge rests on 62 piers, of which the 44 main piers are apart. The bridge is wide. The speed limit on the bridge is but can vary with wind and weather conditions. When travelling at the speed limit, it takes about 12 minutes to cross the bridge. Tolls apply only when leaving Prince Edward Island (when travelling westbound). The toll rates are 50.25 for a two-axle automobile and 8.50foreachadditionalaxle.Motorcyclesarecharged8.50 for each additional axle. Motorcycles are charged 20.00. While pedestrians and cyclists are not permitted to cross the bridge, a shuttle service is available. Before 2006, the shuttle was free and since January 1, 2022, the service has charged 4.75perpedestrianor4.75 per pedestrian or 9.50 per cyclist when leaving Prince Edward Island. Baggage is charged at a rate of 4.25perbagafterthefirstbag.TheothermajorNorthumberlandStraitcrossing,WoodIslandsFerryfromWoodIslands,PrinceEdwardIslandtoCaribou,NovaScotia,chargeswhenleavingPrinceEdwardIsland.Otherferryfaresinclude4.25 per bag after the first bag. The other major Northumberland Strait crossing, Wood Islands Ferry from Wood Islands, Prince Edward Island to Caribou, Nova Scotia, charges when leaving Prince Edward Island. Other ferry fares include 20.00 per adult pedestrian, 40.00permotorcycle,and40.00 per motorcycle, and 20.00 per bicycle.

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