
Economy of North Korea

The economy of North Korea is a centrally planned economy, following Juche, where the role of market allocation schemes is limited, although increasing. , North Korea continues its basic adherence to a centralized planned economy. With a total gross domestic product of 28.500billionasof2016,therehasbeensomeeconomicliberalization,particularlyafterKimJongUnassumedtheleadershipin2012,butreportsconflictoverparticularlegislationandenactment.Sincethe1990s,informalmarketactivityhasincreased,whichthegovernmenthastolerated.ThesemarketsarereferredtoasJangmadangandwereformedasaresultoftheeconomiccollapseduringthe1990s,whichmadetheregimeunabletodistributefoodtoitspeople.ThecollapseoftheEasternBlocfrom1989to1992,particularlyNorthKoreasprincipalsourceofsupport,theSovietUnion,forcedtheNorthKoreaneconomytorealignitsforeigneconomicrelations,includingincreasedeconomicexchangeswithSouthKorea.ChinaisNorthKoreaslargesttradingpartner.NorthKoreasideologyofJuchehasresultedinthecountrypursuingautarkyinanenvironmentofinternationalsanctions.WhilethecurrentNorthKoreaneconomyisstilldominatedbystateownedindustryandcollectivefarms,foreigninvestmentandcorporateautonomyhaveincreased.NorthKoreahadasimilarGDPpercapitatoitsneighborSouthKoreafromtheaftermathoftheKoreanWaruntilthemid1970s,buthadaGDPpercapitaoflessthan28.500 billion as of 2016, there has been some economic liberalization, particularly after Kim Jong Un assumed the leadership in 2012, but reports conflict over particular legislation and enactment. Since the 1990s, informal market activity has increased, which the government has tolerated. These markets are referred to as 'Jangmadang' and were formed as a result of the economic collapse during the 1990s, which made the regime unable to distribute food to its people. The collapse of the Eastern Bloc from 1989 to 1992, particularly North Korea's principal source of support, the Soviet Union, forced the North Korean economy to realign its foreign economic relations, including increased economic exchanges with South Korea. China is North Korea's largest trading partner. North Korea's ideology of Juche has resulted in the country pursuing autarky in an environment of international sanctions. While the current North Korean economy is still dominated by state-owned industry and collective farms, foreign investment and corporate autonomy have increased. North Korea had a similar GDP per capita to its neighbor South Korea from the aftermath of the Korean War until the mid-1970s, but had a GDP per capita of less than 2,000 in the late 1990s and early 21st century. For 2018, the South Korean Bank of Korea estimated the GDP growth as −4.1%. For the first time, in 2021, the South Korean Ministry of Unification estimated that the North Korean private sector outgrew the public sector. Estimating gross national product in North Korea is a difficult task because of a lack of economic data and the problem of choosing an appropriate rate of exchange for the North Korean won, the nonconvertible North Korean currency. The South Korean government's estimate placed North Korea's GNP in 1991 at US$22.
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