In mathematics, stable homotopy theory is the part of homotopy theory (and thus algebraic topology) concerned with all structure and phenomena that remain after sufficiently many applications of the suspension functor. A founding result was the Freudenthal suspension theorem, which states that given any pointed space , the homotopy groups stabilize for sufficiently large. In particular, the homotopy groups of spheres stabilize for . For example,
In the two examples above all the maps between homotopy groups are applications of the suspension functor. The first example is a standard corollary of the Hurewicz theorem, that . In the second example the Hopf map, , is mapped to its suspension , which generates .
One of the most important problems in stable homotopy theory is the computation of stable homotopy groups of spheres. According to Freudenthal's theorem, in the stable range the homotopy groups of spheres depend not on the specific dimensions of the spheres in the domain and target, but on the difference in those dimensions. With this in mind the k-th stable stem is
This is an abelian group for all k. It is a theorem of Jean-Pierre Serre that these groups are finite for . In fact, composition makes into a graded ring. A theorem of Goro Nishida states that all elements of positive grading in this ring are nilpotent. Thus the only prime ideals are the primes in . So the structure of is quite complicated.
In the modern treatment of stable homotopy theory, spaces are typically replaced by spectra. Following this line of thought, an entire can be created. This category has many nice properties that are not present in the (unstable) homotopy category of spaces, following from the fact that the suspension functor becomes invertible. For example, the notion of cofibration sequence and fibration sequence are equivalent.
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The theme of the working group varies from year to year. Examples of recent topics studied include: Galois theory of ring spectra, duality in algebra and topology, topological algebraic geometry and t
Singular cohomology is defined by dualizing the singular chain complex for spaces. We will study its basic properties, see how it acquires a multiplicative structure and becomes a graded commutative a
We propose an introduction to homotopy theory for topological spaces. We define higher homotopy groups and relate them to homology groups. We introduce (co)fibration sequences, loop spaces, and suspen
In algebraic topology, a branch of mathematics, a spectrum is an object representing a generalized cohomology theory. Every such cohomology theory is representable, as follows from Brown's representability theorem. This means that, given a cohomology theory,there exist spaces such that evaluating the cohomology theory in degree on a space is equivalent to computing the homotopy classes of maps to the space , that is.Note there are several different of spectra leading to many technical difficulties, but they all determine the same , known as the stable homotopy category.
In mathematics, and specifically in the field of homotopy theory, the Freudenthal suspension theorem is the fundamental result leading to the concept of stabilization of homotopy groups and ultimately to stable homotopy theory. It explains the behavior of simultaneously taking suspensions and increasing the index of the homotopy groups of the space in question. It was proved in 1937 by Hans Freudenthal. The theorem is a corollary of the homotopy excision theorem. Let X be an n-connected pointed space (a pointed CW-complex or pointed simplicial set).
In mathematics, homotopy theory is a systematic study of situations in which maps can come with homotopies between them. It originated as a topic in algebraic topology but nowadays is studied as an independent discipline. Besides algebraic topology, the theory has also been used in other areas of mathematics such as algebraic geometry (e.g., A1 homotopy theory) and (specifically the study of ). In homotopy theory and algebraic topology, the word "space" denotes a topological space.
Twisted topological Hochschild homology of Cn-equivariant spectra was introduced by Angeltveit, Blumberg, Gerhardt, Hill, Lawson, and Mandell, building on the work of Hill, Hopkins, and Ravenel on norms in equivariant homotopy theory. In this paper we intr ...
In this thesis, we apply cochain complexes as an algebraic model of space in a diverse range of mathematical and scientific settings. We begin with an algebraic-discrete Morse theory model of auto-encoding cochain data, connecting the homotopy theory of d ...
In this thesis, we give a modern treatment of Dwyer's tame homotopy theory using the language of ∞-categories.We introduce the notion of tame spectra and show it has a concrete algebraic description.We then carry out a study of ∞-operads and ...