

is a Japanese corporation based in Umeda, Kita-ku, Osaka and Aoyama, Minato, Tokyo. It is one of the largest Japanese sogo shosha (general trading and investment companies) distinguished by the strength of its textile business and its successful business operations in China. Itochu was ranked 72nd on the 2020 list of Fortune Global 500 companies, with an annual trading revenue of US100billion.Itochusbusinesshas8majoroperationaldivisions,"DivisionCompany".TextileCompany:Itochutradesinrawmaterialsandfinishedapparel,andalsohasabrandbusiness.ItownsaportfolioofinvestmentsandrightsinwellknownfashionbrandsincludingConverse,HuntingWorld,LeSportsac,MilaScho¨nandPaulSmith.In2018,ItochuacquiredtheJapaneseMasterLicenseandexclusivedistributionrightsfortheLauraAshleybrand.MachineryCompany:Includesplantprojects,marine,aerospace,automotive,construction/industrialmachineryandhealthcare.Intheautomotivesector,ItochuisashareholderofYanase,Isuzu,andMazda.Intheinfrastructuresector,ItochupartneredwithToshibaandHitachitosupplyinfrastructureforthefirstexpresswayinVietnam,theNorthSouthExpresswaybetweenHanoiandHoChiMinhCity.ItochuisalsoapartnerinsupplyingrollingstockfortheMTRinHongKongandforNewGenerationRollingstockpassengerrailinQueensland,Australia.ItisaminorityinvestorintheSarullageothermalpowerprojectinIndonesiaandhaspartneredwithMitsubishiHeavyIndustriesandEngietodevelopthe100 billion. Itochu's business has 8 major operational divisions, "Division Company". Textile Company: Itochu trades in raw materials and finished apparel, and also has a brand business. It owns a portfolio of investments and rights in well-known fashion brands including Converse, Hunting World, LeSportsac, Mila Schön and Paul Smith. In 2018, Itochu acquired the Japanese Master License and exclusive distribution rights for the Laura Ashley brand. Machinery Company: Includes plant projects, marine, aerospace, automotive, construction/industrial machinery and healthcare. In the automotive sector, Itochu is a shareholder of Yanase, Isuzu, and Mazda. In the infrastructure sector, Itochu partnered with Toshiba and Hitachi to supply infrastructure for the first expressway in Vietnam, the North–South Expressway between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Itochu is also a partner in supplying rolling stock for the MTR in Hong Kong and for New Generation Rollingstock passenger rail in Queensland, Australia. It is a minority investor in the Sarulla geothermal power project in Indonesia and has partnered with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Engie to develop the 15.8 billion Sinop Nuclear Power Plant in Sinop, Turkey. Metals & Minerals Company: Engages in mining and ore trading, steel and non-ferrous metal trading, coal and nuclear fuel trading and solar power. Furthermore, the “Carbon Neutral Management Section” was established in April, 2021, directly under the Metal & Mineral Resources Division in order to promote the developments in areas such as Hydrogen & Ammonia and CCUS (Carbon dioxide Capture, Utilization and Storage).

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