is a Japanese corporation based in Umeda, Kita-ku, Osaka and Aoyama, Minato, Tokyo.
It is one of the largest Japanese sogo shosha (general trading and investment companies) distinguished by the strength of its textile business and its successful business operations in China. Itochu was ranked 72nd on the 2020 list of Fortune Global 500 companies, with an annual trading revenue of US100billion.Itochu′sbusinesshas8majoroperationaldivisions,"DivisionCompany".TextileCompany:Itochutradesinrawmaterialsandfinishedapparel,andalsohasabrandbusiness.Itownsaportfolioofinvestmentsandrightsinwell−knownfashionbrandsincludingConverse,HuntingWorld,LeSportsac,MilaScho¨nandPaulSmith.In2018,ItochuacquiredtheJapaneseMasterLicenseandexclusivedistributionrightsfortheLauraAshleybrand.MachineryCompany:Includesplantprojects,marine,aerospace,automotive,construction/industrialmachineryandhealthcare.Intheautomotivesector,ItochuisashareholderofYanase,Isuzu,andMazda.Intheinfrastructuresector,ItochupartneredwithToshibaandHitachitosupplyinfrastructureforthefirstexpresswayinVietnam,theNorth–SouthExpresswaybetweenHanoiandHoChiMinhCity.ItochuisalsoapartnerinsupplyingrollingstockfortheMTRinHongKongandforNewGenerationRollingstockpassengerrailinQueensland,Australia.ItisaminorityinvestorintheSarullageothermalpowerprojectinIndonesiaandhaspartneredwithMitsubishiHeavyIndustriesandEngietodevelopthe15.8 billion Sinop Nuclear Power Plant in Sinop, Turkey.
Metals & Minerals Company: Engages in mining and ore trading, steel and non-ferrous metal trading, coal and nuclear fuel trading and solar power. Furthermore, the “Carbon Neutral Management Section” was established in April, 2021, directly under the Metal & Mineral Resources Division in order to promote the developments in areas such as Hydrogen & Ammonia and CCUS (Carbon dioxide Capture, Utilization and Storage).
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est une entreprise japonaise d'ingénierie et de construction mécanique et électrique qui fait partie du conglomérat Mitsubishi. Elle fait partie du TOPIX 100. Mitsubishi Jūkōgyō est né en 1934 de la fusion des compagnies de construction navale et aéronautique Mitsubishi. Dans les années 1930/1940, l'usine de moteurs Mitsubishi installé à Nagoya est l'une des plus vastes du monde, avec une surface de près de . En 1950, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries se sépare en trois entités distinctes : West Japan Heavy-Industries, Ltd.