In electronics, an analog multiplier is a device that takes two analog signals and produces an output which is their product. Such circuits can be used to implement related functions such as squares (apply same signal to both inputs), and square roots. An electronic analog multiplier can be called by several names, depending on the function it is used to serve (see analog multiplier applications). If one input of an analog multiplier is held at a steady-state voltage, a signal at the second input will be scaled in proportion to the level on the fixed input. In this case, the analog multiplier may be considered to be a voltage controlled amplifier. Obvious applications would be for electronic volume control and automatic gain control (AGC). Although analog multipliers are often used for such applications, voltage-controlled amplifiers are not necessarily true analog multipliers. For example, an integrated circuit designed to be used as a volume control may have a signal input designed for 1 Vp-p, and a control input designed for 0-5 V dc; that is, the two inputs are not symmetrical and the control input will have a limited bandwidth. By contrast, in what is generally considered to be a true analog multiplier, the two signal inputs have identical characteristics. Applications specific to a true analog multiplier are those where both inputs are signals, for example in a frequency mixer or an analog circuit to implement a discrete Fourier transform. Due to the precision required for the device to be accurate and linear over the input range a true analog multiplier is generally a much more expensive part than a voltage-controlled amplifier. A four-quadrant multiplier is one where inputs and outputs may swing positive and negative. Many multipliers only work in 2 quadrants (one input may only have one polarity), or single quadrant (inputs and outputs have only one polarity, usually all positive). Analog multiplication can be accomplished by using the Hall Effect.
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