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Timeline of telescopes, observatories, and observing technology. The earliest sundials known from the archaeological record are the obelisks from ancient Egyptian astronomy and Babylonian astronomy Taosi Astronomical Observatory, Xiangfen County, Linfen City, Shanxi Province, China Shadow clocks invented in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia 11th–7th century BCE, Zhou dynasty astronomical observatory (灵台) in today's Xian, China Thirteen Towers solar observatory, Chankillo, Peru Antikythera Mechanism, a geared astronomical computer that calculates lunar and solar eclipses, the position of the Sun and the Moon the lunar phase (age of the moon), has several lunisolar calendars, including the Olympic Games calendar. It is at the National Archaeological Museum, Athens, Greece. 220-206 BCE, Han dynasty astronomical observatory (灵台) in Chang'an and Luoyang. During East Han dynasty, astronomical observatory (灵台) built in Yanshi, Henan Province, China 220-150 BCE, Astrolabe invented by Apollonius of Perga 5th century – Observatory at Ujjain, India 5th century – Surya Siddhanta written in India 499 – Aryabhatiya written by Aryabhata 6th century – Various siddhantas compiled by Indian astronomers c. 628 – Brahmasphutasiddhanta by Brahmagupta 632–647 – Cheomseongdae observatory is built in the reign of Queen Seondeok at Gyeongju, then the capital of Silla (present day South Korea) 618–1279 – Tang dynasty-Song dynasty, observatories built in Chang'an, Kaifeng, Hangzhou, China 700–77 – The first Zij treatise, Az-Zīj ‛alā Sinī al-‛Arab, written by Ibrahim al-Fazari and Muhammad al-Fazari 700–96 – Brass astrolabe constructed by Muhammad al-Fazari based on Hellenistic sources c. 777 – Yaqūb ibn Tāriq wrote Az-Zij al-Mahlul min as-Sindhind li-Darajat Daraja based on Brahmagupta and Surya Siddhanta 9th century – quadrant invented by Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī in 9th century Baghdad and is used for astronomical calculations 800–33 – The first modern observatory research institute built in Baghdad, Iraq, by Arabic astronomers during time of Al-Mamun 800–50 – Zij al-Sindhind written by Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī (Algorismi) 825–35 – Al-Shammisiyyah observatory by Habash al-Hasib al-Marwazi in Baghdad, Iraq 869 – Mahodayapuram Observatory in Kerala, India, by Sankaranarayana 10th century – Large astrolabe of diameter 1.
André Donadón Servelle, Alexis Kalogeropoulos, Valérie Scheurer