Nationality words link to articles with information on the nation's poetry or literature (for instance, Irish or France). In Nazi Germany the Reichsschrifttumskammer (the National Socialist authors' association) bans German expressionist poet Gottfried Benn from further writing. The Arbujad ("Soothsayers") group of Estonian poets forms. Rex Ingamells and Ian Tilbrook, Conditional Culture, published in Adelaide; a manifesto advocating a "fundamental break ... with the spirit of English culture" to free Australian art from "alien influences" and paying more attention to Aboriginal culture as well as the use of "only such imagery as is truly Australian"; the word "Jindyworobak", which they understood to be an Aboriginal term meaning 'to annex' or 'to join', they proposed as a symbol of the reorientation; the Jindyworobak Movement resulted in at least 44 volumes of poetry and literary comment in addition to periodicals from this year through 1953; criticism Rex Ingamells: Sun-freedom, Adelaide Editor, Jindyworobak Anthology, Adelaide Shaw Neilson, Beauty Imposes: Some Recent Verse, Angus & Robertson Kenneth Leslie, By Stubborn Stars. Toronto: Ryerson. Governor-General's Award 1938. L. A. MacKay, Viper's Bugloss. Virna Sheard, Leaves in the Wind. Arthur Stringer, The Old Woman Remembers and Other Irish Poems. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill. Joseph Furtado, Songs in Exile ( Poetry in English ), Bombay: self-published Cyril Modak, editor, The Indian Gateway to Poetry ( Poetry in English ), Calcutta: Longmans, Green; anthology K. S. R. Sastry, The Light of Life ( Poetry in English ) Elizabeth Daryush, Verses: Sixth Book Cecil Day-Lewis, Overtures to Death, and Other Poems Walter de la Mare, Memory, and Other Poems David Gascoyne, Holderlin's Madness Stella Gibbons, The Lowland Venus, and Other Poems Oliver St. John Gogarty, Others to Adorn, preface by W. B. Yeats Poems of Today, British poetry anthology, third series Robert Graves, Collected Poems Louis MacNeice: The Earth Compels I Crossed the Minch, prose, with verse Stevie Smith, Tender Only to One Charles Williams, Taliessen Through Logres W.