Nationality words link to articles with information on the nation's poetry or literature (for instance, Irish or France). Spring – August Derleth launches the poetry magazine Hawk and Whippoorwill in the United States. September 5 – Welsh poet Waldo Williams is imprisoned for six weeks for non-payment of income tax (a protest against defence spending). An inscription of an excerpt of the Poema de Fernán González is discovered on a roofing tile in Merindad de Sotoscueva, the earliest known record of it. Listed by nation where the work was first published and again by the poet's native land, if different; substantially revised works listed separately: Margaret Avison, Winter Sun Daryl Hine, The Devil's Picture Book Kenneth McRobbie, Eyes Without a Face Eli Mandel, Fuseli Poems Peter Miller, Sonata for Frog and Man Edmund Snow Carpenter, American anthropologist, editor, Anerca, anonymous Eskimo poems, with drawings by Enooesweetok A. J. M. Smith, editor, The Oxford book of Canadian verse, in English and French, including untranslated poems in French combined in chronological order with English-language poems Nissim Ezekiel, The Unfinished Man: Poems Written in 1959, Calcutta: Writers Workshop, India Dom Moraes, John Nobody, Indian at this time living in the United Kingdom Deb Kumar Das, The Night before Us, Calcutta: Writers Workshop, India Pradip Sen, And Then the Sun, first edition (revised edition, 1968), Calcutta: Writers Workshop, India Raul De Loyola Furtado, The Oleanders and Other Poems, Calcutta: Writers Workshop, India Keshav Malik, The Rippled Shadow Barjor Paymaster, the Last Farewell and Other Poems, Bombay: Asia Publishing House V. Madhusudan Reddy, Sapphires of Solitude, Hyderabad: V. Man Mohan Reddy Sasthi Brata, Eleven Poems, Calcutta: published by the author W. H. Auden, Homage to Clio Sir John Betjeman, Summoned by Bells Edwin Bronk, A Family Affair, Northwood, Middlesex: Scorpion Press Austin Clarke, The Hore-Eaters (see also Ancient Lights 1955, Too Great a Vine 1957) Patric Dickinson, The World I See Lawrence Durrell, Collected Poems D.