MGT-201: Introduction to entrepreneurshipThis course provides an introduction to the field of entrepreneurship, in particular the process of new venture creation and the commercialization of technologies. It integrates theories of entreprene
CS-491: Introduction to IT consultingThis course is an introduction to the alignment of enterprise needs with the possibilities offered by Information Technology (IT). Using a simulated business case, we explore how to define the require
BIO-455: Introduction to law and ethicsLe but du cours est de familiariser l'étudiant-e aux notions de base du droit et de l'éthique applicables à la recherche en LSE et à son transfert en applications, et de lui fournir les éléments essen
CS-213: Human computer interactionLa discipline de l'Interaction Homme-Machine (ou HCI : Human-Computer Interaction) vise à systématiquement placer le facteur humain dans la conception de systèmes interactifs.
MGT-510: Performance ManagementThe objective of the course is to provide participants with the main processes and tools a company applies to evaluate the financial and non financial performance.
FIN-411: Accounting for financeThe objective of the course is to provide participants with accounting mechanisms for understanding and anaalyzing the financial statements of a company.
ME-419: Production managementProduction management deals with producing goods sustainably at the right time, quantity, and quality with the minimum cost. This course equips students with practical skills and tools for effectively