CH-120: Advanced general chemistry IIAcquisition des notions fondamentales liées à la réactivité des molécules organiques, identification de la structure de petites molécules organiques au moyen des techniques de spectrométrie de masse,
BIO-212: Biological chemistry IBiochemistry is a key discipline for the Life Sciences. Biological Chemistry I and II are two tightly interconnected courses that aim to describe and understand in molecular terms the processes that m
CH-424: Supramolecular chemistryThe course provides an introduction to supramolecular chemistry. In addition, current trends are discussed using recent publications in this area.
CH-411: Cellular signallingPresentation of selected signalling pathways with emphasis on both the mechanism of action of the molecules involved, molecular interactions and the role of their spatio-temporal organization within t
BIO-110: Bio-organic chemistryThe aim of the course is to provide a chemical understanding and intuition to decipher and predict chemical processes in living systems.
MSE-431: Physical chemistry of polymeric materialsThe student has a basic understanding of the physical and physicochemical principles which result from the chainlike structure of synthetic macromolecules. The student can predict major characteristic