Accelerator physics covers a wide range of very exciting topics. This course presents basic physics ideas and the technologies underlying the workings of modern accelerators. An overview of the new id
The course presents basic physics ideas underlying the workings of modern accelerators. We will examine key features and limitations of these machines as used in accelerator driven sciences like high
Introduction générale sur l'état des connaissances en physique des particules élémentaires: de la cinématique relativiste à l'interprétation phénoménologique des collisions à haute énergie.
The goal of this course is the study of the physical and conceptual consequences of Maxwell equations.
Modern synchrotron-radiation methods not only provide data of exceptional quality, but have allowed previously inaccessible experiments to be performed. The school will give a broad overview of all po
Presentation of particle properties, their symmetries and interactions.
Introduction to quantum electrodynamics and to the Feynman rules.
We present the role of particle physics in cosmology and in the description of astrophysical phenomena. We also present the methods and technologies for the observation of cosmic particles.
This course completes the knowledge in plasma physics that students have acquired in the previous two courses, with a discussion of different applications, in the fields of magnetic confinement and co
This is an introductory course in radiation physics that aims at providing students with a foundation in radiation protection and with information about the main applications of radioactive sources/su
Following an introduction of the main plasma properties, the fundamental concepts of the fluid and kinetic theory of plasmas are introduced. Applications concerning laboratory, space, and astrophysica