Pulmonology (ˌpʌlməˈnɒlədʒi, ˌpʊlməˈnɒlədʒi, from Latin pulmō, -ōnis "lung" and the Greek suffix -λογία "study of"), pneumology (nʊˈmɒlədʒi,_njʊ-, built on Greek πνεύμων "lung") or pneumonology (nʊmənˈɒlədʒi,_njʊ-) is a medical specialty that deals with diseases involving the respiratory tract. It is also known as respirology, respiratory medicine, or chest medicine in some countries and areas. Pulmonology is considered a branch of internal medicine, and is related to intensive care medicine. Pulmonology often involves managing patients who need life support and mechanical ventilation. Pulmonologists are specially trained in diseases and conditions of the chest, particularly pneumonia, asthma, tuberculosis, emphysema, and complicated chest infections. Pulmonology/respirology departments work especially closely with certain other specialties: cardiothoracic surgery departments and cardiology departments. American Association for Respiratory Care American College of Chest Physicians American Lung Association American Thoracic Society British Thoracic Society European Respiratory Society One of the first major discoveries relevant to the field of pulmonology was the discovery of pulmonary circulation. Originally, it was thought that blood reaching the right side of the heart passed through small 'pores' in the septum into the left side to be oxygenated, as theorized by Galen; however, the discovery of pulmonary circulation disproves this theory, which had previously been accepted since the 2nd century. Thirteenth-century anatomist and physiologist Ibn Al-Nafis accurately theorized that there was no 'direct' passage between the two sides (ventricles) of the heart. He believed that the blood must have passed through the pulmonary artery, through the lungs, and back into the heart to be pumped around the body. This is believed by many to be the first scientific description of pulmonary circulation.
Florian Frédéric Vincent Breider, Myriam Borgatta
David Atienza Alonso, Tomas Teijeiro Campo, Lara Orlandic, Jonathan Dan, Jérôme Paul Rémy Thevenot